Got the Digestive and Depression Blues? Discover Healthy Eating – #WATWB

Lately, I suffered from indigestion (acerbated by too much junk food and too few fruits and vegetables) tying knots rather than placing butterflies in the stomach. Combined with depression, my indigestion turned into a gut-wrenching experience! So a few days ago, I went searching for some good news about something that had the potential to help with both. First, I came across an article posted by the Good News Network (one of my favorite sites to search for uplifting news to share with #WATWB each month) that talked about probiotics and prebiotics and how they can help sufferers deal with both digestion and depression.
But while my research revealed that some experts recommend a probiotic supplement because an imbalance in your gut bacteria causes dysfunction in your GI system, and, for some people, probiotics seem to help relieve gas, bloating, and pain, others say the evidence isn’t conclusive, and not all probiotics contain what they say they contain, so talk to your doctor.
Further research revealed that the food you eat, how much of it you eat, and when you eat it matters far more than the probiotics you take. Please check out these very helpful articles from Consumer Reports. Wishing you happy, healthy eating!

At the end of each month, we bloggers are given an opportunity to post good news, offering an antidote to bad news in our feeds. For every dark, negative story out there, there is a positive, heartwarming story that will add some light and lift the human spirit. #WATWB was started in March 2017; we’ve been sharing positive, uplifting stories to inspire, give hope and motivate others for many years now. This month’s co-hosts are myself, Sylvia McGrath and Belinda Witzenhausen. Please check out the blogs and say hello.

Lizbeth Hartz is the author of the true crime, true love memoir Angel Hero, Murder in Hawaii, A True Story. Get it on Amazon or sign up to read the 1st chapter free.
Love this! Due to health issues in 2018 I decided to cut out sugar & prepackaged foods completely. I totally revamped my diet and noticed I have fewer issues with depression and anxiety. Diet hasn’t completely cured episodes but I noticed a major improvement. Thanks so much for sharing this and for being a part of #WATWB! Sending wishes for a wonderful week!
Thanks for writing, Belinda, and for the positive words (which of course I expected from you)! Glad you liked the article and making those changes helped you. Lately, I’ve been making diet changes, too, and it is helping me–I’m glad, because I was really worried for awhile. It’s my pleasure to be part of #WATWB. Sending wishes back for a fabulous rest of the week.
This is something that’s close to my heart and stomach. Aside from becoming lactose intolerant a number of years ago, I have also had issues with GERD and indigestion. I do take a probiotic, but I also take digestive enzymes if I feel a meal might make me uncomfortable and an apple cider vinegar drink if it does (never take antacides or products like Prilosec as this can make matters worse). Most often, though, I try to say away from the foods that causes GERD, like tomatoes, citrus fruits, soda, coffee (I cheat with that once or twice a week), garlic, etc. Research says I should stay away from chocolate, but the 85% dark chocolate I eat in small quantities doesn’t hurt me. I’ve been on a journey the last 5-8 years, figuring out what my body wants and doesn’t want and how to eat healthy. I hope you find your way to healthy eating that loves your digestive system as well.
Thank you for sharing this, Mary. I will remember to take a digestive enzyme, thanks. I might try the diluted apple cider vinegar drink–when I tried years ago, the vinegar hurt my stomach. Otherwise, I pretty much follow the guidelines you mentioned. Thank you:) One thing I found that works especially good for me is organic miso soup with organic tofu. I have to be careful of the miso, though. I bought one from a health food store and it made me quite ill; I wish I’d thought to write down the name. I did complain to the authorities, but they don’t follow up unless a lot of consumers complain, unfortunately. I live in Hawaii and now buy one from Japan that has no GMO modified soybeans.
i’ll definitely read the articles Lizbeth thank you for the links, just not right now. There’s no question in my mind that ‘you are what you eat’. Everything in moderation. A little apple cider vinegar in the morning (tastes terrible) diluted with water seems to balance over acidity, or the ph or whatever it’s called. I’ll get back to it tomorrow – better practice what I preach after all! I hope you feel infinitely better and brighter very soon.
Thanks for commenting, Susan, and the info about the apple cider vinegar. I’m feeling better, thanks, paying more attention and also eating more slowly and chewing better. I hope you’re doing great, too, and enjoyed your used coffee capsules story!