Resurrection Song (first version of two)

This version of “Resurrection” was born after I told a talented young singer/musician, Megan Petrie, the story of Vic, Jaku, and me. I often talked to her when she made me smoothies in a health food store I was fond of visiting in Haleiwa Town on Oahu’s north shore. Even though Megan was busy getting ready to move to LA and attend a music school there, she offered to help me out by putting my words to music.
Although she was far from rich, she refused to let me pay her.
Thank you, Megan. I hope you will read this blog one day, and know how much I still appreciate the gift of this soulful song.
The lyrics:
I was a rosebud wanting sun
Before you blazed my way
Our friendship blossomed into love
Grew deeper, deeper, deeper every day
A wicked man was stalking me
He loved his guns and lies
But you warned him
Leave my Rose alone
He stabbed you til you died, till you died, till you died
Before your spirit resurrected
I hurt so much inside I constantly cried
God, how could you let this be?
Then I felt your energy
Love connection, Resurrection
Love connection, resurrection
You saved me from the evil thief
He’s locked behind 4 prison walls
Who stole your earthly life
Grief cut me like a knife
He’s locked inside prison walls
On days when grief won’t set me free
I feel your love anointing me
Before your spirit resurrected
I hurt so much inside I constantly cried
God how could you let this be?
Then I felt your energy
My hero, hero, hero for eternity
Copyright 2005 by Lizbeth Hartz and Megan Petrie

Lizbeth Hartz is the author of the true crime, true love memoir Angel Hero, Murder in Hawaii, A True Story, which this blog post is partly based on. Get it on Amazon or sign up to read the 1st chapter free.