March for Our Lives #WATWB

Social media and news in recent times has been filled with hate and negativity. Just as you cannot fight darkness, only light lamps, Hate and Negativity cannot be fought. You need to bring Love and Positivity forward instead. I bring to you the We Are the World Blogfest, along with these fabulous co-hosts:Belinda Witzenhausen,  Sylvia…

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Social media and news in recent times has been filled with hate and negativity. Just as you cannot fight darkness, only light lamps, Hate and Negativity cannot be fought. You need to bring Love and Positivity forward instead. I bring to you the We Are the World Blogfest. Thank you to this month’s co-hosts Shilpa Garg, Peter…

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Military vets deliver supplies across Puerto Rico #WATWB

Special thanks to the We Are The World Blogpost cohosts this month,  Shilpa Garg, Simon Falk, Lynn Hallbrooks, Eric Lahti, Damyanti Biswas and Guilie Castillo. It lifts me up to be part of this journey. Puts me in mind of the old song “Accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative…” But now on to the main…

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A Blind Runner and His Very Good Boy#WATWB

Social media and news in recent times has been filled with hate and negativity. Just as you cannot fight darkness, only light lamps, Hate and Negativity cannot be fought. You need to bring Love and Positivity forward instead. I bring to you the We Are the World Blogfest, along with these fabulous co-hosts: Special thanks…

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