Celebrating Trees – #WATWB

They log on.
Ah, trees. They provide us with food, oxygen, shade and so much more. Being a staunch champion of the environment, I love trees. I was excited when I realized that this month’s good news post would fall on Arbor Day.
Through the years, my posts have reflected my love of trees. One of my favorites was from last year, about the people of India’s efforts to organize 2 million people to plant 20 million trees in a single day! What a feat! And then there’s the one about a wonderful adventure leading to my visiting a fanciful, but real-life treehouse – up in a 120 foot tall tree! What fun, a tree house. There is nothing like sitting amongst the branches quietly. And who can forget the amazing story of the tree-planting drones tackling deforestation? Not your typical depressing drone story, that’s for sure.
Will you be planting a tree this year? How will you celebrate the trees of our wonderful planet? I’d love to hear from you in the comments. Want to learn more about Arbor Day? Though made for kids, I found the following video to be entertaining and informative.

At the end of each month, we bloggers are given an opportunity to post good news, offering an antidote to bad news in our feeds. For every dark, negative story out there, there is a positive, heartwarming story that will add some light and lift the human spirit. #WATWB was started in March 2017; we’ve been sharing positive, uplifting stories to inspire, give hope and motivate others for many years now. This month’s co-hosts are Sylvia McGrath and Belinda Witzenhausen. Please check out their blogs and say hello.

Lizbeth Hartz is the author of the true crime, true love memoir Angel Hero, Murder in Hawaii, A True Story. Get it on Amazon or sign up to read the 1st chapter free.
Great post! I’m definitely a tree person and it’s so wonderful to see younger generations learning about trees and their importance in the world. Thanks so much for sharing this and for being a part of #WATWB.
Great post Lizbeth thank you. Glad to see that children (adults too) are learning about the vital role of trees in thousands of ways. Funnily enough, my husband returned from a cycling trip recently and brought back 3 acorns with him, for planting!
Not far from where I live are numerous trees growing on the mountainside. It’s wonderful to be able to look outside and see them. Thank you for sharing your love of trees, along with the wonderful animated video, with everyone. Thanks so much for being a part of #WATWB.
Great post, I have always loved nature and a love for trees, the video was a wonderful way to teach children the wonders of Mother Nature. Thank you so much for being part of #WATWB
Enjoyed reading your post, Lizbeth. When I lived in Minnesota, we planted 100 tree seedlings alongside our property line. Several years ago, while on vacation I drove past the property and could hardly see the house for all the trees. The story of the Peshtigo Fire should make everyone realize how important trees are to the planet. Thank you for raising awareness with this post.