Pep Talks from Kindergarteners: Passing on the Torch for #WATWB

This month marks the 55th, and final, edition of the We Are the World Blogfest. Though at times it’s been hectic to get a post together to share some good news, I’ve always had fun with the task (that didn’t feel like one at all once I dived in). As well, reading the good news all of you have passed on through the years has lifted and encouraged me so much. It is a noble goal, spreading the good news, and one I pledge to carry on with.
In that spirit, the good news this month is that a wonderful group of kindergarteners in California have stepped up to do their part. The brainchild of their two brilliant teachers, the students have created a hotline that anyone can call for a pep talk, encouragement or a pick-me-up anytime it’s needed.
Who better to pass on the torch to than a group of kindergarteners with a goal of spreading positivity?
Highlighting these amazing kids seemed an appropriate way to thank you wonderful bloggers, as well as salute the awesome hosts and founders of #WATWB for bringing the good news into my life over these years – and to send you all off with a smile! I hope you’ll keep my link and visit and comment once in a while. I will do the same, and I promise to continue the lovely tradition of sharing good news on a regular basis.
Here’s a link to an NPR article that’s more in-depth:
Press 3 for a pep talk from kindergartners. A new hotline gives you options for joy
Enjoy, live well and keep spreading the positivity, my friends.

At the end of each month, we bloggers are given an opportunity to post good news, offering an antidote to bad news in our feeds. For every dark, negative story out there, there is a positive, heartwarming story that will add some light and lift the human spirit. #WATWB was started in March 2017; we’ve been sharing positive, uplifting stories to inspire, give hope and motivate others for many years now. This month’s co-hosts are Sylvia McGrath and Belinda Witzenhausen. Please check out their blogs and say hello.

Lizbeth Hartz is the author of the true crime, true love memoir Angel Hero, Murder in Hawaii, A True Story. Get it on Amazon or sign up to read the 1st chapter free.
This is great, just hearing children laugh would make my day. 😁 Wonderful finale post! Thanks so much for your wonderful posts over the years. It’s been such a pleasure reading your posts and working with you on #WATWB. ☺️
Thank you so much for reading and commenting, Belinda. I’m delighted you like it, and I sure do appreciate your kind words. It’s been a real pleasure working with you and reading your fabulous posts. I hope we keep in touch; I’ll be checking your sites and some others from time to time. With fond aloha, Lizbeth
Thanks for sharing this Lizbeth! I saw a link to the hotline on Facebook not too long ago, but haven’t called the number. I think today might be the day if only to honor the light that we have shared with WATWB.
Thanks for writing, MJ! So sweet of you to take the time. It’s been so uplifting to be part of WATWB, and meet so many wonderful folks like you. I called the number; it was fun to hear the children’s positive little voices. How fortunate that that there are so many positive folks out there doing there best to lift other’s loads.
lovely post Lizbeth! I can just imagine the joy and laughter these little ones bring to those in need of a pep talk … out of the mouths of babes. I’ve so enjoyed your posts over the years for #WATWB. Keep on shining the torch 🙂
Thank you, Susan. It’s been a pleasure reading your posts over the years, they’re always so uplifting. Wishing you all the best, and I hope to keep in touch and read your future, always delightful, inspiring posts.
I am sorry too that this is our last blog, thank you so much Lisbeth for sharing this and other positive stories, over the past five years. I am sure like othere ms found your pages uplifting and their lives a lot brighter after reading them. I look forward to finding any future articles to share on this page and give hope to others who find life stressful. Good luck with all your future endeavours.
Thanks very much for writing, Sylvia, and my apologies for the delay in answering. Thank you as well, I’ve enjoyed reading your postings tremendously. I look forward to finding other articles, too, in the future, to share and hopefully bring hope to those especially in need of hope. Good luck to you, too, and I look forward to keeping in touch.