Strengthen Your Respiratory System with Yoga – #WATWB

During the 70s and 80s, teaching Hatha Yoga to community college students on Oahu made me a more limber, relaxed, and spiritually aware person. Together, the students and I practiced the asanas (yoga positions) while slowly breathing from the diaphragm, breathing in when extending the body backward, breathing out when folding forward, our lungs like…

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A Quick Cure for Anxiety and Depression – #WATWB

Lately, I’ve been reading a lot about people who, quite understandably, feel depression brought on by the effects of Covid 19. Forced into social distancing, some that live alone face endless loneliness. Many face a harrowing financial and family crisis, what with physical distancing, loss of jobs and/or income, suddenly having to juggle more tasks—homeschooling…

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Jim Allison: Breakthrough – #WATWB

I’d been chomping at the bit to watch the documentary titled Jim Allison: Breakthrough since I first found out about Nobel Prize winner Allison in March of last year. Enthralled by this modern-day hero, I wrote a blogpost about him for the We Are The World Blogfest (WATWB) in April, 2019. In case you don’t…

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Breakthrough and Love #WATWB

In honor of the abundance of Thanksgiving, I’m offering two good news stories.  My first offering is a follow-up announcement to a previous story.  Seven months ago, in April of this year, I wrote a blogpost about 2018 Nobel Prize winner Dr. Jim Allison, an immunologist who discovered a cure for cancer. Back then, I…

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Coma Patients Helped by Mahamrityunjaya Mantra #WATWB

A scientific study conducted in an Indian hospital concluded that the powerful Mahamrityunjaya Mantra, chanted repeatedly to coma patients with severe brain trauma, increased their survival rate by more than twenty-five percent. How is this possible? According to an article titled Neurosurgeons Studying Impact of Mahamrityunjaya Mantra, only if we can think of life and…

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