Free Online Mindfulness Lessons for Kids and Parents Courtesy of Actress Goldie Hawn — #WATWB

For this month’s We Are The World Blogfest (WATWB), I went looking for good news about helping the kids. Researchers say young people’s mental health is adversely affected by restrictions imposed by Covid19, that they are experiencing increased anxiety, stress, loneliness, and depression.
Fortunately, I discovered an inspirational story about actress Goldie Hawn’s MindUp program. Not only has her foundation been teaching mindfulness in public schools for 16 years, the outcomes of this instruction are something parents and kids are finding phenomenal. Students experience less anxiety, stress, anger, and depression when they participate in the programs. Not only that, fighting decreases and optimistic attitudes soar.
You can read the whole story here (check out the excellent 5 minute video, too).
(P.S. The programs work for adults, too. And you can download an app, Insight Timer, with 65,000 free guided meditations without paying a cent.)

At the end of each month, we bloggers are given an opportunity to post good news, offering an antidote to bad news in our feeds. The talented co-hosts for this month are: Shilpa Garg, Inderpreet Kaur Uppal, Damyanti Biswas, Roshan Radhakrishnan and myself, Lizbeth Hartz. Please check out the blogs and say hello.

Lizbeth Hartz is the author of the true crime, true love memoir Angel Hero, Murder in Hawaii, A True Story. Get it on Amazon or sign up to read the 1st chapter free.
This is a wonderful program, Lizbeth. Thanks for sharing a positive story relative to kids that Goldie Hawn has made possible. Keeping children emotionally healthy and strong has always been important, but more so during the pandemic. It seems as though all of our schools could benefit from MindUp.
Thank you for writing, Mary, and I’m glad to spread the word about this good news, thanks to WATWB! I agree, and will check out MindUp more myself.
This is much needed, especially these days! Thank you for sharing.
Thank you, Damyanti, for reading and commenting and I agree, much needed, especially now. And thanks for this wonderful initiative, that’s brought more hope into so many lives.
Awww! This is a great idea.