“Living Room Concert” on 3/29/2020 to Benefit Coronavirus Fighters – #WATWB
Talented musicians often come together to benefit those in need and this Sunday is no exception. The only difference is the coming together is virtual this time, in deference to the need for physical distancing in the wake of Covid 19. Elton John will be the host of this star-studded show which includes such talents…
Read More“Waggle Dancing” Bees: Scientists Decode More Than 1,500 Dance Moves – #WATWB
While searching for Good News to post for this month’s We Are The World Blogfest (#WATWB), I came across a posting by the Global Good News Service at: https://globalgoodnews.com/science-news-a.html?art=15800208253382430. According to The Global Good News Service: “On 16 February 2020, Newsweek reported that “the meaning of more than 1,500 honey bee ‘waggle dances’ were ……
Read MoreJim Allison: Breakthrough – #WATWB
I’d been chomping at the bit to watch the documentary titled Jim Allison: Breakthrough since I first found out about Nobel Prize winner Allison in March of last year. Enthralled by this modern-day hero, I wrote a blogpost about him for the We Are The World Blogfest (WATWB) in April, 2019. In case you don’t…
Read MoreGoodbye, 2019! Hello, 2020.
Did you know our New Year’s celebration comes from the feast of the Roman god with two faces, Janus? One face looked into the past, and the other turned to the future. Romans made promises to Janus, and now we make promises to ourselves in the form of New Year’s Day resolutions. Speaking of resolutions,…
Read MoreWe Have Giveaway Winners!
Congratulations to our awesome contest winners! It was such fun seeing some of you compete and more fun learning something interesting about you. This was my way of saying thanks for being here and I thought it’d be a good way to get to know you a little better. I appreciate *all* of you! I…
Read MoreBreakthrough and Love #WATWB
In honor of the abundance of Thanksgiving, I’m offering two good news stories. My first offering is a follow-up announcement to a previous story. Seven months ago, in April of this year, I wrote a blogpost about 2018 Nobel Prize winner Dr. Jim Allison, an immunologist who discovered a cure for cancer. Back then, I…
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