In the Silence: Accessing the Inner Guru – #WATWB
The last blog, Finding my Way Inside and Out, tells of the recent struggles that led me to the following endeavors – and ultimately, paved the way for today’s good news. Check it out! In hopes of increasing my focus, I’ve started practicing meditation again. Most of the time, though, when I sit down, close…
Read MoreGot the Digestive and Depression Blues? Discover Healthy Eating – #WATWB
Lately, I suffered from indigestion (acerbated by too much junk food and too few fruits and vegetables) tying knots rather than placing butterflies in the stomach. Combined with depression, my indigestion turned into a gut-wrenching experience! So a few days ago, I went searching for some good news about something that had the potential to help…
Read MoreFinding Ways to Connect – #WATWB
As of late the world can seem a bit disconcerting, but in searching for some good news for May’s post, I came across an article, and then the website of one Kyra Peralte. Kyra’s an inspiring young woman who wished to connect and learn about other women’s experiences during this unusual time of isolation during…
Read MoreCelebrating Trees – #WATWB
Ah, trees. They provide us with food, oxygen, shade and so much more. Being a staunch champion of the environment, I love trees. I was excited when I realized that this month’s good news post would fall on Arbor Day. Through the years, my posts have reflected my love of trees. One of my favorites…
Read MoreHawaii’s Keiki (Children) Heroes Tackling the Pandemic #WATWB
While searching for good news for this month’s We Are The World Blogfest (WATWB), I came across some lovely quotes about children: “Children are likely to live up to what you believe of them.” — Lady Bird Johnson, Former First Lady of the United States “When I approach a child, he inspires in me two…
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